

As a child I desperately wanted to believe in the idea of traditional God. But as time went by I found religious explanations ever more contradicting, unreasonable, often extremely unjust, thus less and less credible. But losing my religion was not about losing faith, it was about going deeper. Intuitively I knew there had to be something more, that we are more, but only time would show the real Nature of who I truly was.

It took some 30 years, but what I found was beyond imaginable! Its’ impossible to explain in a few words the incredible Nature of life and the world we live in. For this reason I wrote a book. Taking over 30 years to research the truth, spirituality and meaning of life gave me a profound experience of the Universe and our place within it. This is not knowledge, it’s knowingness. It cannot be substantiated, it must be experienced. The Unfinished Book About Who We Are is a tool leading towards such an experience.

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