
The Unfinished Book About Who We Are


“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”
— Bertrand Russell

BOOK I, entitled FIRST STEPS TO SELF-DISCOVERY, is a summary of our current knowledge and understandings of the “outer world”, which we have accumulated over the course of our history. The pages are filled with factual information, eye-opening insight, and backed by scientific and philosophical explanations necessary to grasp the interpretations and the debates proposed in subsequent books.

You will be surprised to learn just how far we have come in our understanding of the Universe, and of the self. Literally, a whole new world awaits us! Please examine the index for a list of main headings.

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  1. Dusica

    Neverovatno putovanje kroz zivot , knjiga je mocnija od svih religijskih,naucnih i filozofskih dosad napisanih.Na fin i psiholoski nacin, pazljivo dopire do podsvesti i do sustine osobe koja knjigu cita.Ona omogucava da kad spoznas svoje JA shvatis da ne postoje granice koje te ogranicavaju da budes ono sto zaista jesi.Jedini je problem sto ne znam dal sam u stvari odusevljena sama sobom ili knjigom.Neizmerna je moja zahvalnost “Absolutu” (Bogu 🙂 )sto sam spoznala istinu i radost sto sam Ono Sto Zaista Jesam i Ono Sto Mi Zaista Jesmo.Knjiga koja zauzima posebno mesto u mom srcu.Hvala i srecno u daljem radu.

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